Sunday Suspense | Daroga Priyonath | Shakhi | Priyonath Mukhopadhyay

Mirchi Bangla presents Shakkhi, based on Priyonath Mukhopadhyay's Bishom Samasya, on Sunday Suspense
Sunday Suspense | Daroga Priyonath | Shakhi | Priyonath Mukhopadhyay | 06 December 2020

Date of Broadcast - 6th December, 2020

Introduction, Ramvilas - Mir
Bidhu - Mohor
Kamini - Godhuli
Kevalram - Vishaal
Prasanna - Sree
Rambabu - Agni
Samanta - Somak
Taramani - Ayantika

Narration, Episode Direction, Radio Adapatation - Deep

Production & Sound Design - Subhadeep
Poster Design - Asterisc

Enjoy and stay connected with us!!